Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fighting Ignorance

They say ignorance is bliss. But my ignorance is like a bottom less pit, it has no limit. But my will to fight with it also has no bound. I keep checking and searching internet for every bit of unknown information that I come across while reading books, watching movies, in office meetings or even in client calls. And for this I have keep note of every unknown information I find so that I can check for it when I get the internet access. The fact that in spite of being in 21st century, I don’t have access to 24X7 internet access just proves my ignorance; it’s a different thing though with ignorance another attribute of mine has combined which is laziness. For example during my mad mad reading days of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons, I kept noting all the monuments, paintings, sculptures and any kind of historical information that I used to know about while reading it sitting in my long bus journeys to office and search for it in Google immediately after reaching office. This was real fun as as the novel was proceeding, I was coming to know so much about Christianity and the European culture as I am always fond of studying about the European history.

But even after all said and done, I can’t forget and forgive myself for the greatest ignorance of all time of not knowing that the Vatican city is in Rome! I never knew this particular piece of information before reading the Da Vinci Code. I don’t know why I never tried look for it in the map in spite of the fact that checking maps used to be one of the most favorite pass time when I was in school and also in spite of the fact that I always wanted to do my MA in History with a special paper on the European history after I am done with MA in English with a Comparative Literature as my special paper and a diploma in Instructional Designing and also MBA (probably) when I think about my profession and not about passion!

Still the bottom line remains the same that I am ignorant person and fighting all day to come out of it.

Another confession: I have a very bad vocabulary also. I keep checking the dictionary in my mobile phone when I am reading any book which is written in English.


Madhushree Deb said...

Hey! About the vocabulary stuff, no one can beat me in being stupid. You at least know that u can find out the meanings in the mobile dictionary but I don't even know that :-) So, when I come up with new words and my oxford dictionary is not lying next to me, I end up getting frustrated and go off to sleep. Few days ago I was reading a book in which I found a word called "bagel". Me, the lazy could not get up and locate the dictionary, did not know that I can look for the meaning in my mobile and also could not read further without even knowing the meaning bcoz that word was used in many places in that book. Also, searching the dictionary, finding that word after shuffling so many pages... would have disturbed the flow of my reading. So, I got irritated, shut the book, went off to sleep and searched the meaning in the net and found that it is an eatable which more or less looks like a medu wada but is sweet to taste....That's how I stretch my story.....

Doell said...

to Madhu,

love you for the comment :)