Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Motichur Laddu

For last couple of days I was yearning to have motichur laddu. Today while coming back from office I made it a point to go to the sweet shop and get some motichur laddu. In Bangalore every small to big retailers are brands. This sweet shop is also a famed brand having outlets at various parts of the city. I wanted to buy 1 kg motichur laddu but as I checked the price tag, my wishes half died so I dared to buy half kg only. The motichur laddu in Bangalore costs 340 rupees per kg!!!!!!! I cant believe it. This is an Indian sweet, then why so much price!!!! God help us before we start saying 'motichur laddu is sour.'

1 comment:

IdontNeedName said...

Luckily, I had one laddu yesterday. So you won’t catch any stomach ache ;-).