Swami Vivekananda once said that the person who doesn't believe himself is the greatest nastik.
I know a person who demands himself to be the greatest devotee of god because he bows down before god innumerable times a day; before leaving home (even if he is going to grocery shop in the neighbourhood) his prayers to god are unending, he takes innumerable dips in the river Ganga in Haridwar as he believes that more number of dips he takes the more punya he earns and also when he takes such a dip, he makes sure that he stays under water for maximum time possible as he believes that the longer dips he takes, the more punya he earns.
Now the person has other interesting characteristics also when it comes to trusting himself. He cannot take any decision himself. From the smallest to the biggest decisions, he has to ask his mother to help him. If his friend invites him over for lunch or dinner, he will ask his mother what he should reply. Everytime he has gone to the vegetable market, he will call his mother at least for 5-7 times to ask what vegetable he should get; he would also narrate to his mother what vegetables he can see infront of him and they are of what colour and what quality. This he does everytime he goes to the vegetable markeet. If he goes to buy cloth for himself or somebody else, he will call his mother and narrate the types of designs and colours he can see in fromt him. He also asks the shop keeper that he would come back if necessary to change the cloth if his mother doesn't like the dress even if he has just bought a shirt for himself. While having lunch or dinner, if the peerson who is serving the food is not his mother and in the middle of the meal if that person asks him if he would like to have some more rice or dal, he would ask his mother if he should have more. By the way, the person I am talking about here is 36 years old. Also, if there is anyone in his office who is giving him trouble or there is some new opportunity in his company, he would ask his mother what to do even if his mother has no understanding about corporate culture.
What should we call that person: a devotee or a nastik? One good thing is that he would not really bother what Swami Vivekananda said since his mother doesn't approve of anything said by Ramakrishna Mission or people associated with it :)
It's quite clear that this person's mother is the decision maker in the house and she has made him a bonsai in order to have the control in her hand. But shouldn't the son be capable of taking his own decision? Shouldn't the son have fiesta in his life? Shouldn't the boy also rise?
My grand mom was a very charming lady; she used to tell me many entertaining stories. One was about a barrister (it was colonial rule in India then) who used to go to Haridwar for a dip in the Ganges. He believed that all the “paap” accumulated by telling lies in the court of law will vanish with each dip. Looks like, your “guy” is same vintage wine in a new bottle, half a century later.
I have seen two more persons of similar trait till date. Basically these males lack character and dangle around most authoratian female relative.
Heritably, son will be very attaché with mother. Most mothers are interested in making her son a “man”, but some with extra fondness/love or whatever cultivate idiosyncrasy in kids. The young lad is never encouraged to be self-sufficient (manly??) and in turn becomes “kat-putli”.
But as I had said, they hang around the most powerful female, the mantle changes after marriage (if the wife is more clever and autocrat). The same mother then cries foul.
My theory has proved well for one, I’m waiting for the others marriage. I feel pity for these males, pity indeed for not having a life of your own.
To IdontNeedName.... has you "gal" asked you not to put your name here? You MCP are after girls trying to impress them. Commenting on blogs, you people try to befriend girls. I know you cheapsters are after girls like us.
To IdontNeedName,
Thanks for the comment.
To Ms Anonymous,
I would have appreciated your comment had you commented on my article.
Ha ha.. this is really funny! After so many long years, some body wrote foul to me and the reason is even funnier.
Made my day "gal"..
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