Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I wonder!!!!

Today as I entered the office, I heard Rabindra Sangeet being played in office music system. It’s always such a soothing feeling listening to any of those masterpieces. I will never be able to explain my true feelings for Rabindra Sangeet in words. AllI can say is – it’s celestial and divine for me.

Anyway, I walked to the systems department and asked them to continue with playing Rabindra Sangeet the entire day. Deep da (the system guy) knows that I’m leaving and he was sweet enough to oblige. But he said me that probably after 1-2 hour he would have to switch to Hindi film songs, as those are more in demand. He was right, aftersome time due to too many requests he had to switch off to Jhankar FM.

The moral of the story is that in a city like Kolkata, when I’m sitting in an office where 95% of the employees are Bengali still the maximum population of them don’t really want to listen to Rabindra Sangeet! This fact is frightening! Will RabindraSangeet be lost in obsolescence after some decades or generations?

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