Wednesday, September 30, 2009

After Marriage

Things change. Here are some things that keep happening to/by me:

The shopkeepers now calls me 'baudi' and not 'didi'.

I have become 'aunty' to so many kids who otherwise would call me 'didi'!!!!!!!!!!!

I have started to wrap a saree in less than 5 minutes! Time doesn't vary with the change of texture...the time taken is same for cotton, taant, silk or chiffon!!!!!!!!!

Unknown people start talking to me in Bengali in the shops, market, roads in a city like Delhi. Thanks to my Shankha and Pola. It took me some time to figure out the correct reason though!

People don't hesitate to ask me personal questions like "hey, yours was an arranged or love marriage?" I dont remember to ever confront questions like "hey, have you got steady boyfriend?" or "hey, you're single or committed?" before!

In the shops, the shopkeeper gives the bill to my husband and not me!


Indrajeet said...

It is Indrajeet again.

You are promoted from didi to boudi. ha ha ha

You have become an aunty? You are so funny!:)

Wah ! I admire woman in saree. It is a happening dress. Fortunately, people like you are following our Indian tradition and popularising it. Research admits that saree makes woman look more beautiful.

You find people talking to you in bengali in Delhi? You stay in CR Park, Delhi?

People ask personal questions! Hard to believe. Is it so? Are people in Delhi like that? You scare me. I can consider people knowing me can once or twice for ask me. But, no way, anybody! I will kill them.

Shopkeeper tells the bill to your husband and not you! Why don't you ask your husband to tell the shopkeeper to tell that to you. If that would make you happy, he would surely do that. I am sure neither the shopkeeper nor your husband has any clue about it. :)

I will read it again. Update this post.


Doell said...


Since you left no email id of yours, I am replying your questions here only. Thanks a lot for your comments on my blog :)

The changing things that I have mentioined here are just funny to me. This is my take on how things change to a girl when she is married.

Yes, people do ask private questions and that also very often :) no complains :)

Yes, shopkeepers give the bills to my husband and no complains for that also :) it's just how people behave to married woman in India...i find it funny...why change it if that saves my bank balance :D

Indrajeet said...

Doell, thanks for this update. But, it is still hard to believe that any one asks you personal questions. It is weird!

Unknown said...

the last line was the best part of this blog!
and now I know, why married people grow old so early, all other people make their own effort to make them feel so..
btw, just a curious question, can we categorize all those personal question holders by some demographics?

Doell said...


u hit the bull's eye! Yes, the demographics of these people is indeed tells all. So here it goes - ladies of my age or middle age or older age (i guess that covers all age group)who are idle :D

Unknown said...

hehe, bhalo bolechish..ami to sari pora ekhono sikhe uthtey parlam na..biyebari jete holei ekhono tension hoy.....

r boudir bepar ta common....eta holo giye promoted by marriage.... :)