Monday, April 21, 2008

From Strike City to Striking City

All the auto drivers of Mumbai have gone for three days strike from Monday midnight. When commuting to office has become really difficult for a big section of the population in Mumbai sub-urban area, the rest population is not complaining though. The roads had never been so jam-free! So, for those who do not take their cars out but prefer to avail other alternative instead after suffering hours of motionless driving, it's time for them to celebrate.

For me the days of strike days in Kolkata are back. The roads are empty and everybody speaking about 'strike'.

But my question is, why blame Kolkata only for strikes?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

People of this democratic country love to go on strike, even for some silly coz

However, for Kolkata it's not just a way to protest, it’s their fundamental right (though our constitution never said that), it’s their habit... they think they will make things better with this, and you know how good the things are!!!