Monday, April 19, 2010

Shashi Tharoor - a sad story

Shashi Tharoor being forced to resign by the Congress heads seems to me a case where the big national decision is being influenced by yellow journalism. It became quite clear 1-2 days before what the meeting between Tharoor and congress heads would result.

In a country like India where we have been seeing criminals and illiterate MPs and MLAs and hence have been hating this profession more than anything, Shashi Tharoor had been a refreshing change to our look towards politics. But clearly he couldn't survive in the system being too many reasons for his 'different' approaches.

Whatever his involvement in Rendezvous consortium was, I don't understand a single point that after winning the bid, and after being aware of Lalit Modi's intention, why did he bring the entire episode under full media view? He being a minister of state and thus a powerful man, why didnt fight with the Chairman of IPL Modi, another powerful man, in a more private and subtle way? Why did he bring the matter under public view when it is quite understood that Indian media runs after only gossips and here when his beautiful friend Sunanda Pushkar is involved in the share, the media would just go mad with so much juice in story. Can anyone give reason to those mushroom like channels and news portals and their novice journalists that the concept of giving a share in the deal as the corporate payment is quite common or that a minister's interest in a deal may not be only for money? Only thing that they would be interested in obviously in the amount of deal and a beautiful lady who is involved while the minister is already twice married. So, that is going to be the only story!

So, lesson is learnt. No more tweeting even if you think you are honest, and Congress is loyal to none just like it was not loyal to Krishna Menon.


Dr. Shashi Tharoor said...

I have already argued what I had to, so have nothing more left to say. I will still appeal, do not call it a 'sad story'. I still hope India will learn with the experiences. Liked how you have noticed that the major decisions are taken under fear of media. Youngsters is a hope.

Doell said...

Sir, thanks for your valuable comment. I am fan of your writing ever since I read 'The great Indian novel'. I wish to read all books by you.

I was sad for you being involved in such a controversy. I honestly believe that you didn't deserve that. Hope to see you in more valuable roles in the future.