Monday, November 5, 2007

Love is also contagious!!!

I didn’t know that like conjunctivitis, measles, pox, etc, Love is also contagious!!!

I happened to develop this theory following the changes occurred to my two colleagues. Let’s name them girl A and girl B. Girl A always makes big and long statements on the disadvantages of ‘love marriage’ and advantages of ‘arranged marriage’. She says “I’ll never go for love marriage. I will always rely on my parents to find the match for me. They are more experienced than me and I believe that they can find a better match for me”, etc. etc.

The Girl B is that type of girl whose only concern in the life is her ‘boyfriend’. I have come across such type of girls a number of times. They are the happiest when their boyfriends are pampering, gifting or taking them out and the saddest when their boyfriends call 14 times a day in stead of 15 times. Then they feel highly ‘neglected’…..

Anyway, I have been watching some changes in the Girl A as she very recently developed a good friendship with Girl B. Some days back suddenly the Girl A asks me if I know anything about the ‘compatibility theory’ between various zodiac signs. (Let me confess here that I find the talks on zodiac signs, moon signs, palmistry, number theory, tarot cards, etc, etc……too boring.) First I was taken aback by such a question and then came to know that she's having a crush on someone!!!!!!!!!!


Sonali said...


However, tell girl A that love follows neither rules nor predictions. So, ask her to simply enjoy the moment :)

Madhushree Deb said...

I liked the girl B more ;-)